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Soo Bahk Do
Traditional Korean Martial Art system developed by Hwang Kee influenced by the Moo Yei Do Bo Tong Ji (oldest book of Korean martial arts on record) blending Chinese and Okinawan styles with unique Korean striking methods that ultimately revived the ancient Korean Martial Art of Soo Bahk.
Moo Duk Kwan
Founded in 1945 by Grandmaster Hwang Kee as the organization / school (Institute of Martial Virtue) in which he taught his martial art system initially Hwa Soo Do, then Tang Soo Do and later adopted the name Soo Bahk Do. This school is devoted to improving human relations through training.
U.S. Federation
Established as a 501c(4) non-profit in 1976 following the Charter Convention with the Founder, Hwang Kee in 1975. This is a members' organization focused on promulgating the values of the Moo Duk Kwan (School) and preserving Soo Bahk Do (Art) within the United States.
World Moo Duk Kwan
The U.S. Federation is connected on a global scale with similar country specific organizations under the Moo Duk Kwan and leadership of H.C. Hwang Kwan Jang Nim to drive standardization across the globe culminating in the objective meant for the Moo Duk Kwan - improve human relations.